Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
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               65. A LETTER  FROM  SERGEI  FYODOROV

Alan: Wherethis letter from Mr Fyodorov, Amy? In’t read it yet.

Amy: I’ve got it here. Shall I read it to you?


Amy:He's changed his address, you know. Now itLane Park 61, Didsbury, Birmingham.

Alan:n’t mind the address, read what he says.

Amy:“February 14 (Fourteenth of February). Dear Amy and Alan, Thank you very much for your letter. I expect you’ve  wondering whathappened to me. I’ve  working really hard for the last six weeks. During the day I’ve  doing experiments. And in the evenings I’ve writing reports on them.”

Alan:Poor chap, he’s working too hard. Well, go on, Amy.

Amy:“My stay in Birminghamvery pleasant. I’ve made a lot of friends. For the last 2 weeks I’ve working with two Indian scientists. They’ve  helping me with my experiments. And I’ve  teaching them Russian. Thismy last week in Birmingham. Next week I’m going to Manchester for a few days.I’mcoming back to London at the BEGINNING of March.”

Alan:Oh, so he’s coming back at last.

Amy:“Ilooking forward to SEEING you all again. Please say hello to Jeena. Best, Sergei.”

Alan:He seems doing all right. Good for him.




WhatSergei doing for the last few weeks? – He’s working hard.

Whathe doing during the day? – He’s doing experiments.

What he  doing in the evenings? - He’s writing reports.

Whohelping him for the last two weeks? – Two Indian scientists.

Whathe teaching them? – He’s  teaching them Russian.

What’s the date of Sergei’s letter? - February 14.

How longhe working on his experiments? – He’s working on them for 6 weeks now.

Since whenhe too busy then? – He so busy

since the BEGINNING of January.





                           66.  ALLAN MEETS AN OLD FRIEND

Bob:Hello, Allan.

Alan:Why, hello Bob. In’t seen you for ages. Whereyou? Whatyou  doing all these years?

Bob:I’ve  travelling.

Alan:Travelling? Where?

Bob:Oh, mostly in Africa. But I’ve to Australia too.

Alan:That sounds interesting. Lucky chap.

Bob:In’t  travelling just for pleasure, you know. I’ve working jolly hard.

Alan:Doing what?

Bob:I’ve  collecting material for a book on African

animals and making films for Safari Films ltd.

Alan:I suppose they’ve  financing you.

Bob:Not exactly. Theynot  paying my expenses but theygoing to buy the films. And whatyou 

doing all this time, Alan?

Alan:Oh, nothing exciting. I’m still with the same old firm.

But look here, Bob. You must come and have a drink one day.

And you must  meet my wife. Now wait a minute, I have a

better idea. Would you like to spend a weekend with us? Or you made other plans?

Bob:No, Ijust got off the train. Could you ring to my hotel tomorrow?

Alan:Fine. Where areyou staying?

Bob:Victoria Hotel.

Alan:All right. Good bye for now.

Bob:Good bye Alan.



Where areBob and Allan talking? – They aretalking

at the railway station.

Allan seen Bob recently? – No, hen’t seen him for ages.

WhatBob  doing all these years? – He’s 


Wherehe ? – He to Africa and Australia.

he  travelling just for pleasure? – No, he’s  working.

Whathe  doing? – He collecting

material for a book.

What kind of filmshe  making? – He’s  making

science films.

How longyou  learning English? – I’ve  learning English for a year now.



                               67. A FLAT FOR BOB

Amy: So  you going to stay in London, Mr Smiley?

Bob: Yes, but I must find somewhere to live. I can’t stay in that hotel forever. Hotels frightfully expensive in this country.

Alan: Yes, they certainly. What you want to do then? Buy a house?

Bob: No, I can’t afford that at the moment. I'll look for a flat.

Amy: you want to buy one? Flats very expensive too. As a matter of fact, they n’t any cheaper than houses.

Bob: Yes, I know. I want to rent a flat. That cheaper.

Alan: But it n’t at all easy to find a good flat.

Bob: n’t it? I suppose I’ll try ADVERTISING.

Alan: You know, Bob, I think we can help you. Our friends the Luises  going to leave London soon.

Amy: Oh yes, they going to Canada for a year.

Alan: Exactly. And I suppose they’ll want to let their flat. Iring them up tomorrow and find out. Ilet you know at once.

Bob: Thank you very much indeed, Alan. I’ll wait for your call




Hotelsfrightfully expensive in this country. I must find

somewhere to live.

you want to buy a house? – No, I can’t afford that at

the moment. I want to rent a flat. That wouldcheaper.

Our friends the Luis’s going to Canada soon. They’ll want to let their flat. Iring them up tomorrow and find

out. I’ll let you know at once.

Thank you very much indeed, Alan. I’ll wait for your call then.

Sergeiin Birmingham now. He’s going to Manchester next week. Hestay there for a few days.

Bettyin London now. She’s going to Paris tomorrow. Sheaway for a week.

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