Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
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                                  113. AUNT GWEN GOES TO HASTINGS


Amy: You know, Alan, I had a call from aunt Gwen just before you came.

Alan: Hm, whatshe want?

Amy: She wanted to know if I had a bathing suit.

Alan: she want to borrow one from you?

Amy: Oh, no. She just thought if I might take a bathing suit to Hastings with me.

Alan: What are aretalking about, Amy. You aren’t going to Hastings?

Amy: Oh, yes, I am. Or rather, we are. This coming weekend.

Alan: That’s the first time I’ve heard of it! And what  it got to do with ( got to do with=to have to do with - иметь отношение к ч.-л. )

aunt Gwen?

Amy: But I’m just telling you, that’s why sherung me up.

Alan: Listen, Amy. Suppose you tell me everything once again, right from the BEGINNING. Whataunt Gwen say?

Amy: She asked if we knew Hastings. She wanted to know whether we’d there. And whether we thought it would a good place for a

short holiday.

Alan: I still n’t understand.

Amy: Then she asked whether we had plans for the weekends, and whether our car quite in order (in order - быть в порядке). I told her it n’t in very good repair ( in good repair - в

исправном состоянии). But she said that with such a good driver as you

she would feel quite safe.


Alan: Now I’m beginning to understand. She wants me to drive her to Hastings.


Amy: Exactly! She asked if you could drive there next Saturday.


Alan: Oh, dash it all! (Проклятье!). I’ve just arranged to go FISHING with Adam.

Amy: Still you can’t refuse her … You know how decent shewith that money we’d borrowed from her last year.

Alan: All right, all right, I’ll go. But you’d better call her on Friday and ask her if shen’t changed her mind.(to change one's mind - передумать)




I had a call from aunt Gwen. She wants to know if I have a bathing suit.

She asked me if we knew Hastings.

She asked to know whether we’d there.

She asked me if we thought it would a good place for a holiday.

She asked me whether we had plans for the weekends.

She asked me if you could drive her to Hastings.

You’d better call her on Friday, Amy, // and ask her if shen’t changed

her mind.




                           114. NEXT TUESDAY EVENING


Amy: you free next Tuesday evening, Alan?

Alan: I n’t know. I’m very busy with our monthly report just now. But whyyou want to know?

Amy: Next Tuesday I’ll  at the library for six months. This deserves a celebration (≈ это надо отпраздновать!), n’t you think?

I thought you'd take me out.

Alan: Thissix months already.

Amy: Yes, and just think of it (подумать только!), I’ll earned over 10,000 pounds.

Alan: Then, you ought to take me out instead. I expect I finished my report by Tuesday. You can take me out to dinner. And I hope you’ll choose the best restaurant.

Amy: But I haven't n’t any money!

Alan: Whatyou mean? You’ve had this week’s payment, n’t you?

Amy: Ialready spent it.

Alan: How? What on?

Amy: Last month I bought myself a new summer coat and a dress. This Saturday Imade my monthly credit card payment.

Alan: n’t you saved any money, Amy?

Amy: You know I . It’s on my deposit. But I want to keep it for our holidays. Besides, I want to give a very nice farewell party for Sergei tomorrow. You’ll have to give me some money for that.

Alan: It’s a pity he’s leaving. I’ve grown quite used (used to smth.=to get used to smth=to grow used to smth -привыкать к чему-то/кому-то ) to him. He’ll  here for ten months soon.

Amy: We’ll miss him, I expect. All the more (Тем более) reason why you should try to cheer me up (помочь), Alan. n’t forget to book a table in advance.

Alan: Umm, whatever we celebrate my usual fate would  out of pocket ( out of pocket – платить из своего кармана), I think.




Next Tuesday I’ll at the library for six months.

I finished my monthly report by Tuesday.

You ought to take me out to dinner.

You’ll had this week’s pay (a pay -зарплата) by then. – But I’ll made my monthly credit card payment by Saturday. And I want to give a nice farewell party for Sergei. He’ll  here for ten months soon.




Debby got a new room in August.

Aunt Gwen’s birthdayin September.

Sergei Fyodorov arrived in England in October.

He left for (to leave for - уезжать куда-то) Manchester in November.

He moved to Birmingham in December.

The Jones gave a dinner party (to give a dinner party - устраивать ужин) in January.

Aunt Gwen visited Paris in February.

Sergei came back (to come back -возвращаться) to London in March.

Amy had an operation (to have an operation - переносить операцию) in April.

Alan got a rise (to get a rise - получить повышение по службе) in May.

Debby and Bob Smileymarried in June.

Jeena’s tennis tournament took place (to take place - проходить о мероприятии) in July.

Sergei will begoing back to Russia in August.







                            115. THE FAREWELL PARTY


Sergei: It a delightful evening, Amy!

Amy: What a pity it’s your last evening, Sergei.

Jeena: You mustn’t say that, Amy. Sergeicome to England again, won’t you Sergei?

Alan: Of course, he . You must come straight (сразу же) to us, Sergei. We keep your room ready for you.

Debby: And you can always stay with us in our new house.n’t it so, Bob?

Bob: That goes without SAYING (= Само собой разумеется),  Debby. We’ll happy to have you ( happy to have smb - рады принять у себя), Mr Fyodorov.

Aunt Gwen: n’t forget you're also to put up (останавливаться; поселяться) at my old house, Me Fyodorov. I dare to say you’ll make it quite comfortable in it.

Sergei: Youextremely kind, all of you. Thank you for the invitations! But it really my turn to invite all of you to Russia.

Jeena: I’m going to Russia , it’s quite settled. I’ll go as soon as I’ve saved 500 pounds. I’ve already had half of it.

Amy: We might also manage to spend a short holiday in Russia. n’t you think so, Alan?

Alan: I think we might. Next year, perhaps.

Aunt Gwen: I’m definitely going to visit Russia when I’ve sold my sheep farm, Mr Fyodorov.

Debby: And what about us, Bob?

Sergei: Russia probably one of the very few countries youn’t visited yet, Mr Smiley?

Bob: So, it . Let’s go to Russia when Ifinished my present book, shall we, Debby?

Debby: It’s a splendid idea!

Sergei: very happy to welcome you all in Moscow!




As soon as Ive saved 1000 pounds I’ll go to Russia.

I’m going to visit Russia when I’ve sold my sheep farm.

Let’s go to Russia when I’ve finished my book, Debby.

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