Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

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Вверх по ступенькам

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Вверх по ступенькам

На этапе 4 необходимо научиться строить отрицательные предложения со сказуемыми СОСТОЯНИЯ.

Задание: Прочитайте все шаблоны, подставляя NOT перед каждым  словом clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid.

следующим способом:

not clever  (Я не умный); I not at home (Я не дома);not 18 (Мне не 18 лет);not from Russia (Я не из России); not afraid (Я не боюсь).

И так далее, со всеми местоимениями и во всех временах. Подставляйте любые прилагательные или существительные, которые вы знаете. Переведите на русский язые прочитанные предложения.

not (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)  We not clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afrai

You not (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid) You  not(clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Henot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid) Theynot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Shenot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Itnot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)


Inot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)    Wenot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

You  not(clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)    Younot(clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

He not(clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)   Theynot(clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Shenot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Itnot  (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

I not (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)   Wenot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

You  not (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)  Younot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Henot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)     Theynot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Shenot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

Itnot (clever, at home, 18, from Russia, afraid)

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