Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
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                        56. A REAL BARGAIN (УДАЧНАЯ  ПОКУПКА)

Debby: You know Amy, thisa very good shop. Look at those blouses . n’t they pretty?

Amy: Yes, they. That blue onereally beautiful.

Debby: I think the white onemore fashionable.

Amy: Yes, but it’s more expensive. Look, it costs 12 pounds.

Debby: Well, whiteoften more expensive. But look at these cotton blouses. Theyeven more expensive.

Amy: Of course, they. And theybetter for your skin.

Debby: But it’s often better to pay more to get a really good thing.

Amy: Oh no, I’m not going to buy the most expensive blouse in a shop. I want to buy something really cheap. But there n’t any cheap blouses here.

Debby: No, I’m afraid there n’t.

Amy: Oh look, there’s something cheap.

Debby: But that’s only a scarf! You n’t need a scarf.

Amy: Well, italways nice to have a new scarf. I’m going to buy it. Besides, it only costs 9.20. And ita very practical thing.

Debby:Then why youn’t buy a duster! Itthe cheapest thing in the whole shop! And the most practical too. A real bargain!

Amy: Fine, Debby. Let’s buy a scarf for me and a duster for you.


Whichmore practical, a white blouse or a colored one? - A colored blousemore practical.

Whichmore expensive, a scarf or a duster? - A scarfmore expensive.

Whichmore popular in the world, Google or Yandex? - Googlemore popular, I suppose.

Whichmore beautiful, spring or autumn? - Springmore beautiful, I


Whichthe most interesting city in England? - London, I suppose.


                                          57. A NEW MAN AT THE OFFICE

Alan: you know, Amy, we have a new man on our staff. Hegoing to be my assistant.

Amy: Really? Youa very important person now, n’t you darling?

Alan: Of course, I. From now on you must call me ‘sir’ when you speak to me.

Amy: Yes, sir! (Amy giggles). But seriously, youglad to have someone to help you, n’t you Alan? You’ve   so overworked lately.

Alan: Yes, it ought to make things easier for me. He seems a promising young man.

Amy: What’s his name?

Alan: Sellvin. Sellvin Sprins.

Amy: Sellvin Sprins? He’s tall and dark, n’t he?

Alan: Yes…Yes. But howyou know?

Amy: And he has a little moustache, hasn’t he?

Alan: A little moustache? Yes, I believe he has.

Amy: And he can play the guitar, can’t he?

Alan: Really, Amy, I have no idea. He certainly n’t play his guitar at the office. But howyou know all this things about him? you met him?

Amy: I think, I.

Alan: you? Where?

Amy: n’t you remember, Alan, heone of Debby’s friends. We’ve met him once or twice at her place. It’s funny you n’t remember.

Alan: we?

Amy: Of course, we. It’s funny you n’t remember.

Alan: Why funny? How can I possibly remember all Debby’s friends. There too many of them.


I suppose youa very important person now Alan.   - Youa very important person now, n’t you Alan?

I’m sure, youpleased to have an assistant. - Youpleased to have an assistant, n’t you?

I think, it makes things easier for me. -   Imakes things easier for me, n’t it?

think this man is tall and dark. - This man is tall and dark, n’t he?

think he has a little moustache. - Hhas a little moustache, hasn’t he?

think he can play the guitar. - Hcan play the guitar, can’t he?


                            58. SERGEI STARTS WORK AT HIS FACTORY

Mr Fyodorov: Good morning, Mr Cowely!

Mr Cowely: Good morning, Mr Fyodorov! Howyou? you had a good rest after your journey?

Mr Fyodorov: Yes, thank you, I’m feeling fine.

Mr smoke?

Mr Fyodorov: No, thank you, I n’t.

Mr Cowely:By the way it’s not your first visit to England, it?

Mr Fyodorov: As a matter of fact it.

Mr Cowely:Really? Your Englishvery good.

Mr Fyodorov: Thank you.

Mr Cowely:Well now, let’s get down to business. I’m going to take you to our research department. Youn’t met with Mr Bell yet, you?

Mr Fyodorov: No, In’t.

Mr Cowely: He’s the head of our research department. I’m going to take you to see him in a minute. But to go back to your English. Itn’t difficult for you to write in English,it? you think you can manage to keep a written record of your work?

Mr Fyodorov: Yes, I think, I can.

Mr CowelyFine. By the way, could you join me for lunch today, Mr Fyodorov?

Mr Fyodorov: With pleasure.

Mr CowelyLet’s meet in the hall at a quarter to one, then. And after

lunch I’d like to introduce you to Mr Litchfield and Mr Sways.

They’ve just come back from Russia.

Mr Fyodorov: Oh,they?

Mr Cowely: Yes. Wegoing to buy your machinery, you know.

Well now, let’s go to see Mr Bell.


Thisnot your first visit to England, I suppose. - Itnot your first visit to England, it?

Youn’t met with Mr Bell yet, I believe. - Youn’t met with Mr Bell yet, you?

Itn’t difficult for you to write English, I expect. - Itn’t difficult for you to write English,it?

Youn’t very busy tonight, I hope. - Youn’t very busy tonight,you?

You can come to see us tomorrow, I hope. - You can come to see us

tomorrow, can’t you?

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