Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
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                                 92. SERGEI PLAYS AS HOST (to play as host  – принимать гостей).


(AT THE AIR TERMINAL)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Sergei: Excuse me,you Dr Spitgate?


Passanger: No, I’m not.



Sergei: Oh, I beg your pardon, sir! I mistook you for someone else.



Passanger:That’s all right.


(A minute later)

Sergei: Oh, excuse me! YouDr Spitgate, I assume?


Dr Spitgate: That’s right!

Sergei: Oh, howyou do Dr Spitgate? My nameFyodorov.

Professor Attkins asked me to look after you during your stay in London.


Dr Spitgate: Oh, thank you very much, Mr Fyodorov. That’s very kind of you.

Sergei: you have a comfortable journey?

Dr Spitgate: Quite comfortable. The flightvery smooth.

Sergei: Let me carry you case.

Dr Spitgate: Oh no, pleasen’t! Itn’t heavy anyway.

Sergei: We’ve booked a room for you in the Tavistock Square area. It isreserved for tonight and tomorrow night. will beyou beleaving on Tuesday or will beyou bestaying in London longer? If so wehave to extend the BOOKING.

Dr Spitgate: I amgoing back on Tuesday afternoon or evening.

Sergei: So the arrangements stand. Now let’s queue for a taxi.



Sergei: Good morning!

Receptionist: Good morning, sir!

Sergei: ThisDr Spitgate. I booked him a single room last Monday.

Receptionist: Dr Spitgate? Just a moment. That’s right, Room 263, second floor. you sign …

Dr Spitgate: Certainly.

Receptionist:Thank you, Dr Spitgate. Hereyour key. The porter take your case up. The liftover there at the other end of the hall.


Dr Spitgate: Thank you. Well, Mr Fyodorov, many thanks for your kindness.


Sergei: Not at all!

Dr Spitgate: By the way, will beProfessor Attkins beexpecting a call from me tonight,you think?

Sergei: Oh yes, heat home this evening after 8. I almost forgot to tell you.

Dr Spitgate: I’ll call him then and I hope I’m seeing you tomorrow, Mr


Sergei: I there.


Dr Spitgate: Till tomorrow then. Good bye!


Sergei: Good bye, Dr Spitgate! I hope you’ll have a good rest after your journey.


Dr Spitgate: Many thanks for your kindness!



Sergei: Not at all!



Excuse me,you Dr Spitgate? - That’s right!

you have a comfortable journey?



Let me carry you case.


Let’s queue for a taxi.


Many thanks for your kindness! - Not at all!




                     93. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR



Amy:What areyou looking for, Alan?

Alan: My new screw driver. You wereusing it last, Amy. Which draweryou put it in?

Amy: I think we lent it to somebody. Now, whowe lend it to?

Jeena: No Amy, Alan wasmending the shelf in the kitchen the other day. He

had it there.

Amy: That’s right, Alan. You in kitchen and I wasstanding near talking with Jeena and Sergei. And what werewe talking about?

Alan: You  weretelling Jeena about that film with Brad Pitt.

Jeena:I remember we werethinking about GOING to the cinema.


Amy: And you weretalking about Marriam Davies, Jeena, the one who comes from… Now, whereshe come from?


Jeena: From Snowdonia.

Amy: Oh yes, Iremember now. And shemarried to… Whoshe married to, Jeena? What’s his name?

Sergei: n’t we gone rather from Alan’s screw driver?

Alan: Ha- ha- ha- ha.

Sergei: What areyou laughing at, Alan?

Alan: I’ve just remembered. His nameCarr. And my new screw driver …in the car. Thank you, Jeena!





What areyou looking for, Alan? – My new screw driver.

Which draweryou put it in? – I think we lent it to somebody.

Whowe lend it to? – No Amy, Alan had it the other day.  He wasmending a shelf and we weretalking. Now what werewe talking about?

I remember we werethinking about GOING to the cinema. Now, which cinema we going to?

And you weretelling me about Marriam’s cousin. Now, whereshe come from? Who she married to?

Her husband’s nameCarr. And my screw driverin the car.



                         94. HOLES IN THE LAWN



Alan:We really ought to take more trouble with our garden, Amy. It’s awfully



Amy:Perhaps, we ought to hire someone to help us with the garden. We certainlyn’t have the time to look after it ourselves.


Alan:Nonsense! Look at the Millers. They do everything themselves. And their garden looks a picture.

Amy: Hm, I suppose they know more about GARDENING as we.


Alan:This lawn, for instance. Just look at it, Amy. It’s full of holes.

Amy: I wonder how that happened. Jeena so proud of CUTTING it herself.





Amy: Yes, she wanted to help. You yourself said that the lawn looked like a meadow.

Alan: Now, you know, Amy, there one thing I really enjoy DOING, it’s

MOWING a lawn (to mow a lawn - стричь газон). I meant to mow it myself

this weekend.

Amy: You always full of good intentions, darling.



Alan:That’s unfair. You know, I haven’t had a day off for weeks.

Amy: I know, know. I amnot reproaching you. I myself told Jeena to cut the lawn . Just between ourselves, she’s made rather a mess of it.

Alan: Why couldn’t she more careful? Those holes look as if they weremade with high heels.

Amy: High heels? Jeenan’t got a pair of shoes on high heels.

Alan: But you have. (Возможен вариант: But you).


Amy: Oh, the little wretch! She’s probably ruined my best pair. Why on earth wasshe wearing high heels while cutting the lawn?


Alan: I’ve no idea. Ask her yourself, Amy.





Wen’t got the time to look after our garden ourselves.


But the Millers do everything themselves. - I suppose they know more about GARDENING as we.

Why our lawn full of holes, Amy? – In’t know. Jeena so proud of CUTTING it herself.


You yourself said that the lawn looked like a meadow. - I meant to mow it myself this weekend.


Well, I myself told Jeena to cut it. Just between ourselves, she’s made a mess of it.

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