Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
Слушаем, разбираем

I.  Построение предложений в 9 модуле (наст.вр): утвердительные, отрицательные, вопросительные:

а) общие, на которые нужно ответить "Да" или "Нет";

б) специальные, которые начинаются с вопросительных слов  (например "What", "Why", "When" и др.) и на которые необходимо дать развернутый ответ.

II.  Употребление местоимений  "It", "This", "That".

III. Употребление  и произношение предложений "This"; "That"That's"; "It"; "It's".

IV. Употребление слов с предлогами "in", "on", "under". 


1.-My name's () Amy. Thismy watch.That my dog.

-My name Alan. Thismy watch. That's my dog. That's () our cat. That'() our car. That's () our clock.

-What your name? - My name Amy. --What your name? - My name Alan.

-What's () this? - It'smy watch.

-What's () that? - It'smy dog.

-What's () that? - It'sour cat.

-What's () that? - It'sour clock.

-What's () that?It's my car.

-No, Alan, It's () our car.

 -this your watch, Alan? - Yes, it.

-this your dog, Amy? -Yes, it.

-this your watch, Amy? -Yes, it.

-that your dog, Amy? -No, it n'tIt'sAlan's dog.

-this Amy's watch, Alan? -Yes, it. 

-that her dog? --No, it n't. It's my dog.

-this your cat, Alan and Amy? -Yes, it.

 -that your car? - Oh, no. Of course (Конечно!), it'snot.


-It's () my dog (собака).  

-What's () that? 

-It's () our cat (кот; кошка).

-What's () that?

- It's () our clock (настольные, напольные или настенные часы; a watch - наручные часы).

-What's () that?

- It's () my car.

- No Alan, it's () our car (машина).


This, That, ThisThat That's,,itIt's .What, What What's  this, What's  that.


That's () Amy's watch.That's () her dog. That's

() Alan's watch.That's () his dog. That's () Alan's and Amy's cat. Thistheir clock. And that'stheir car.

this your watch, Alan? 



-Wheremy watch, Amy?

- It's () here.

-Wheremy bag, Alan?

- It's() here. 

-Wheremy book, Amy?

-It's() here.It's() in my bag (сумка).

-Where's () my pen (карандаш), Alan?

-It's() here.  It's () on my desk (стол; парта; стойка).

-Where's () my pencil (карандаш), Amy? 

-Perhaps,it's() on your desk.

No, itn't.

-Perhaps, it's() under (под) your desk.

No, itn't.

-Look Alan, your penthere, under your chair (стул).

-Oh yes, thank you (спасибо) Amy.

-Perhaps, your penover there (вон там), under your chair.

-Wheremy Spanish book, Alan?

-Perhaps (возможно), it's () in your room (комната).

-No, itn't.

-Perhaps, it's () in Jeena's room.

-No, itn't.

-Look Amy, your bookthere under you hat (шляпа; шапка).

-Oh yes, thank you Alan.


Alan's bookin Amy's bag. Amy's bagon Alan's desk. Alan's pencilunder his chair. Amy's Spanish bookunder her hat.


-Where's () Alan's book?

- It's () in Amy's bag.

-WhereAmy's pen?

-It's ()on Alan's desk.

-Where's () Alan's pencil?

- It's () under his chair.

-Where's  () Amy's Spanish book?

-It's () under her hat.

-Where's() my book, Amy?

- There, on your desk.

- And wheremy coloured (цветные) pencils?

- Theyon your desk, too (тоже).

- No, theyn't.

 -Well, perhaps theyin your bag.

-Oh, yes. Thank you,Amy.

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